Jun 19, 2018 - This page is a translated version of the page Table of equivalent. It is not by any means exhaustive, but tries to help a new user of KDE software to find packages that might suit. 8 Utilities and Tools; 9 Development and Programming. Blogging client, Windows Live Writer, Echo, MarsEdit, Blogilo. There's one caveat: by making a configuration file read only, you also make it. A new version of an application whose config file you've write-protected. Most KDE applications store configuration files in the /home/~/.kde/share/ config subdirectory. You might do this with your media players, archiving utilities, download. Kde Card Reader Free. Kde Card Reader Search. Download Free Kde Card Reader Software at Xentrik.
This is a list of KDE Applications and other applications developed by the KDE international free software community. It is sorted by categories that are mostly the same KDE itself uses.[1]
- 1Development
- 2Education
- 3Games
- 6Multimedia
- 9Utilities
Software development[edit]
- Cervisia – CVS frontend
- KAppTemplate – Template-based code project generator
- Kate – a text editor for programmers. As of KDE 4, KEdit has been replaced by Kate &/or Kwrite.[2]
- KBugBuster – KDE-centric bug manager
- KCachegrind – a frontend for Valgrind
- KDbg – a graphical front–end for the GNU Debugger
- KDESvn – graphical Subversion client
- KDevelop – an integrated development environment for multiple languages
- KDiff3 – Diff/Patch frontend
- Kommander – Dynamic dialog editor
- Kompare – Diff/Patch frontend
- KUIViewer – Qt Designer UI File Viewer
- Lokalize – a computer–aided translation system
- Okteta - a hex editor
- Massif Visualizer – Visualizer for Valgrind Massif data files[3]
- Umbrello – UML diagram application
Web development[edit]
- KImageMapEditor – an HTML image map editor[4]
- KLinkStatus – a link checker
- KXSLDbg – an XSLT debugger
- blinKen – computerised version of the game Simon Says
- Cantor –worksheet view to other Free Software Math packages. GUI frontend to SageMath, Maxima, R and KAlgebra
- KAlgebra – a mathematical calculator based content markup MathML language
- Kalzium – Displays information about the periodic table of elements
- Kanagram – customizable anagram game
- KBruch – a program for generating tasks with vulgar fractions
- KGeography – a geography learning program
- KHangMan – classic hangman game
- Kig – Program for exploring geometric constructions
- Kiten – Japanese reference/learning tool
- KLettres – Helps to learn the alphabet and then to read some syllables in different languages
- KmPlot – mathematical function plotter
- KTouch – program for learning touch typing
- KTurtle – educational programming environment using turtle graphics
- KStars – a planetarium program
- Marble – geographical map program
- Parley – a vocabulary trainer based on the Leitner system
- Step – an interactive physics simulator
- Cirkuit – An application to generate publication-ready figures[5]
- KBibTeX – an application to manage bibliography databases in the BibTeX format
- Semantik – a mindmapping-like tool for document generation[6][7]
- Kst - a plotting and data viewing program[8]
- RKWard – an easy to use, transparent frontend to R
- Bomber – arcade Bombing Game
- Bovo – Five–in–a–row Board Game
- Granatier – a Bomberman clone
- Kajongg – a Mahjong Board Game. Can play against robots or in multiplayer over network.
- Kapman – Pac-Man Clone
- KAtomic – a clone of the early 1990s commercial game Atomix
- KBattleship – Battleship-style game
- KBlackbox – Black–box logic game. Shoot rays into a black box to find some balls
- KBlocks – a Tetris clone
- KBounce – a JezzBall clone
- KBreakout – a Breakout type game
- KDiamond – a Bejeweled type game
- KFourInLine – Four–in–a–row Board Game
- KGoldrunner – Hunt Gold, Dodge Enemies and Solve Puzzles
- Kigo – a Go Board Game
- Kiriki – a Yahtzee game
- KJumpingCube – a board game where players make boxes change color and try to succeed in taking over the board
- KMahjongg – Mahjongsolitaire
- KMines – Minesweeper game
- KNetWalk – a puzzle game. The player must arrange sections of wire to connect the computers
- Knights – Chess board program[9]
- Kolf – a Golf game
- Kollision – a game of dexterity
- GNUlactic Konquest – Galactic Strategy Game
- KPatience – Patience Card Game
- KReversi – Othello/Reversi game
- KSame
- KShisen
- KsirK
- KSpaceDuel
- KSquares
- KSudoku
- KTron
- Kubrick
- LsKat
- Palapeli
- AMOR – Amusing Misuse Of Resources. Desktop creature
- KTeaTime – Tea cooking timer
- KTux
- KWeather
- DigiKam – a digital photo editor
- Gwenview – Image viewer
- Karbon – a scalable graphics application
- KColorChooser – a color chooser
- KColorEdit – a color palette editor
- KFax – a faxing application
- KGrab – a screen grabbing program
- KGraphViewer – a Graphviz dot graph viewer
- KIconEdit – an icon editor
- KolourPaint – Small bitmap graphics editor (similar to Microsoft Paint)
- Konstruktor – LEGO CAD[10]
- KPhotoAlbum – a digital photo and image manager
- KPovModeler – Modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray scenes
- Krita – Digital painting and illustration suite
- KRuler – a screen ruler
- Spectacle - a screenshot tool
- Kuickshow – an image viewer
- Okular – a universal document viewer
- Skanlite – an image scanning application
- Kontact provides personal information management, backed by the Akonadi framework (including Akregator, KNode, KMail, etc.)
- Aki – an IRC client[11]
- Blogilo – a blogging client[12]
- ChoqoK – a microblogging application[13]
- KFTPGrabber – a graphical FTP client
- KGet – a download manager
- KMLDonkey – a graphical frontend for MLDonkey
- KNemo – a network monitor
- KNetworkManager – a GUI for NetworkManager and supports both wired and wireless devices
- Konqueror – a File manager and web browser
- Konversation – a dedicated IRC client
- Kopete – Instant messaging
- KPPP – an Internet dial–up tool
- KRDC – a remote desktop client
- KTorrent – a BitTorrent client
- KVIrc – a graphical IRC client
- KVpnc – a GUI for various virtual private network (VPN) clients
- Kwlan – a wireless LAN manager
- Rekonq – a lean web browser based on Webkit
- Smb4k – an SMB/CIFS share browser
- Falkon - a web browser using QtWebEngine, previously known as QupZilla[14]
Magnetic Card Reader Writer
- Amarok – Audio player and music manager with numerous integrated features
- Audex – an easy to use audio CD ripping application
- Bangarang – a media player[15]
- Dragon Player – a simple and usability–focused multimedia player (formerly known as Codeine)
- JuK – Jukebox and music manager
- Kaffeine – Multimedia player
- KMid – MIDI and karaoke file (*.kar) player[16]
- KMPlayer – Video player plugin for Konqueror
- KPlayer – Multimedia player and library
- KRadio – an internet and AM/FM radio application[17]
- KsCD – CD Player
- K3b – CD and DVD burning application
- k3bISO – ISO manager
- K9Copy – a DVD authoring program, similar to DVD Shrink
- Kamoso – an application to take pictures and videos from webcam[18]
- KAudioCreator – CD ripping and encoding[19]
- Kdenlive – Video editor
- Kid3 – an MP3, Ogg/Vorbis and FLAC tag editor[20]
- KMediaFactory – a template based DVD authoring tool[21]
- KMix – Sound Mixer
- KoverArtist – a program for the fast creation of covers for CD/DVD cases and boxes.[22]
- Kubeplayer – a video player dedicated to play online videos.[23]
- soundKonverter – a frontend to various audio converters
- Kontact provides personal information management, backed by the Akonadi framework (including Akregator, KNode, KMail, etc.)
- The Calligra Suite provides an office suite, including
- Calligra Flow – a flowchart and diagram editor
- Calligra Plan – a project management tool
- Calligra Sheets – Spreadsheet
- Calligra Stage – Presentation application
- Calligra Words – Word processor
- Kexi – a visual database creator
- KEuroCalc – a currency converter and calculator
- Kile – integrated LaTeX environment
- KMyMoney – a personal finance manager
- TaskJuggler – a project management tool
- Skrooge – Personal finances manager[24]
- LabPlot – a data plotting and analysis tool
- LemonPOS – a point of sales application for small and mid–size business[25]
- Tellico – a collection organizer
- Apper, formerly called KPackageKit – Package Manager with support for several formats (e.g. .deb, rpm)
- Dolphin – a navigational file manager
- Filelight – a disk space viewer
- KAppfinder – a menu updating tool
- katimon – an unofficial ATI graphics card temperature monitor
- KBluetooth – Bluetooth connections
- KCron – an application for scheduling programs to run in the background using cron
- KDE Connect – a background application that allows Android devices to be accessed over the network through the Plasma desktop
- KDE Partition Manager – a partition editor
- KDE System Guard – an enhanced task manager and system monitor
- KDiskFree – a disk space information utility
- KDirStat – a graphical disk usage utility
- Kinfocenter – a system and computer information utility
- Konsole – a terminal emulator
- Krfb – a desktop sharing program
- Krusader - an orthodox file manager
- KSystemLog – a system log viewer
- KUser – a user managing tool
- KWallet – a secure password manager
- Printer Applet – system tray icon for managing print jobs
- System Settings
- Yakuake – Quake-style terminal emulator
- Ark – a file archiver
- BasKet Note Pads – a multi–purpose note–taking application
- KAlarm – a personal alarm scheduler
- Kate – a Text editor for programmers
- KBarcode4–light – a simple barcode generator
- KCalc – a calculation application
- KCharSelect – a character mapping tool
- KFileReplace – a file search and replace tool
- KFind – a file and folder finder
- KFloppy – a floppy disk formatting tool
- KGPG – a graphical frontend for GnuPG
- Kleopatra – Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI
- KRename – Batch renaming of files
- KRecipes – a cook book
- KRemoteControl – Remote Controls
- Krusader – a twin panel file manager
- KTimer – a countdown launcher
- KTimeTracker – a personal time tracker
- KWrite – a text editor
- Okteta – a hex editor
- RSIBreak – Makes sure you rest now and then
- Sweeper – a system cleaner
- KMag – a screen magnifying tool
- KMouseTool – Automatic Mouse Click
- KMouth – a speech synthesizer frontend
- KOffice – an office suite that was superseded by Calligra Suite
- KPDF – a PDF viewer
- KNC – a graphical orthodox file manager
- kdetv – TV viewer
- KEdit – a text editor, has been replaced by Kate &/or Kwrite[2]
- Komposé - a fullscreen task switcher
- Katapult - a free application launcher
- KMess – an IM client[26]
- KDM – a login manager
- KSnapshot – a screenshot tool
- KTechLab - an IDE for electronic and PIC microcontroller circuit design and simulation
- KEduca - a educational software
- Kraft – a document creator for small businesses[27]
- Mailody - an e–mail client
- KXDocker - an application launcher
- KBFX - an application launcher
- QtParted – Partition editor
- Quanta Plus – IDE for XML–based languages
- RecordItNow – Record desktop[28]
- KSaoLaJi – a system cleaner[29]
- SuperKaramba – desktop applets program
See also[edit]
- ^'The KDE applications'. Retrieved 2010-11-21.
- ^ abfor simple writing needs use KWrite, for advanced ones - Kate. 'Re: where is kedit?'. November 3, 2010.
- ^Massif Visualizer – git.kde.org
- ^'KImageMapEditor - a KDE-based HTML image map editor'. Archived from the original on 21 August 2018. Retrieved 26 March 2019.
- ^Cirkuit - KDE-Apps.org
- ^Semantik - KDE-Apps.org
- ^http://freehackers.org/~tnagy/semantik.html
- ^'Kst - Visualize your data'. Retrieved April 28, 2019.
- ^Knights – git.kde.org
- ^KonstruktorArchived 2011-02-05 at the Wayback Machine
- ^Aki – git.kde.org
- ^Blogilo website
- ^ChoqoK website
- ^'About Falkon - Falkon'. www.falkon.org. Retrieved 2018-05-26.
- ^Bangarang website
- ^'KMid'. SourceForge. Retrieved 2019-04-28.
- ^http://kradio.sourceforge.net/
- ^Kamoso – git.kde.org
- ^KAudioCreator – KDE-Apps.org
- ^Kid3 website
- ^KMediaFactory website
- ^KoverArtist
- ^Announcing Kubeplayer
- ^Skrooge website
- ^LemonPOS website
- ^KMess website
- ^Kraft website
- ^RecordItNow website
- ^KSaoLaJi at openDesktop.org
Related: Magnetic Stripe Reader Writer Software Free - Mag Stripe Reader Writer Software - Msr Stripe Reader Writer Software - Magnetic Stripe Card Reader Writer Software - Magnetic Stripe Reader Software
- License: Shareware
Nautilus VeriAge Wizz Program lets you read, display and save information from driver's licenses with a magneticstripe and/or 2D barcode.
List of Features:
- Reads Government issued Driver's Licenses
- Reliable Age Verification/ID Expiration
- Easy to install and use
- Collects customers' info such as name and mailing address
- Creates log with exact time information
- Groups Manager (VIP, Black list, etc)
- Customizable fields available
- Adjustable Valid Age
- Color message and sound alerts
- No Internet connection required, No Contracts
- Works with wide variety of readers
The program will be useful for lots of different businesses (such as Bars, Casinos, Clubs, and other where do you want to check age or just know who your customers are).
- Platform: iOS 4.x, Tablets, Windows
- Publisher:Nautlus IDScan.net
- Date:
- Size: 16742 KB
- License: Shareware
How can you restore mobile sim card data lost due to virus infected GSM SIM! SIM card data recovery utility performs retrieval of IMSI numbers, ICC-identification numbers, services provider details (name and location) in very less time. USB Simcard reader hardware tool salvage data deleted due to corrupted mobile Sim card, human error, virus infected mobile phone sim card, accidentally erased phone book memory. SIM card message retrieval solution easily retrieves sim card mobile phone contact numbers (saved, fixed, dialed, missed, received) and text message (inbox, outbox, draft, sent items) along with name, date and time.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:usbdriverecovery.com
- Date:
- Size: 532 KB
- License: Freeware
The UniMag reader is an encrypted magneticstripereader that works with a wide variety of mobile platforms, including Apple, HTC, LG, Motorola, and Samsung devices. It allows you to use your mobile device to read credit cards, signature debit cards, gift cards, loyalty cards, driver's licenses, and ID badges. The UniMag reads up to 3 tracks of information with a single swipe in either direction, providing superior reading performance for your mobile device.
This application is provided by ID TECH for a user to verify the card data in encrypted or non-encryted format.
- Platform: Android 1.x, Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.4, Android 4.x
- Publisher:ID TECH
- Date: 06-03-2015
- Size: 150 KB
- License: Shareware
BillRedirect Serial Wedge software enables serial port RS232 barcode scanners, RFID, magneticstripe or any other devices to communicate with your Windows applications. This allows information to be entered directly into Windows programs as if it was typed in using the keyboard. Input serial data directly into EXCEL and POS Programs. It is extremely easy to use and 100% reliable.Inputs data from any decoded RS232 bar code scanner, RFID .. Very easy to use - one screen, one minute set-up (Free support).
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Bill Production
- Date: 04-06-2011
- Size: 3599 KB
- License: Shareware
Ever wanted to syndicate web content fast and easily? MX RSS Reader-Writer is a 2 in 1 solution. Firstly, it allows you to import RSS (Really Simple Syndication) files and integrate them in your website design and secondly it allows you to export database information into RSS format. This way you will be able to increase the traffic on your site by gathering and distributing your news in a wisely manner. Supported server technologies: ColdFusion, ASP_VBScript, PHP_MySQL and PHP_ADODB.
- Platform: PHP, Scripts
- Publisher:interaktonline.com
- Date: 08-03-2011
- License: Shareware
Nautilus VeriAge Wizz lets you read, display and save information from driver's licenses with a magneticstripe and/or 2D barcode.
The program will be useful for lots of different businesses (such as Bars, Casinos, Clubs, and other where do you want to check age or just know who your customers are).
Just slide a Driver's license and you will see Name of the Person and Age.
The other fields will be saved to comma-separated log file.
Partial list of DL fields:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip Code, Birthday,
Drivers License Number, License, Expiration Date, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Nautilus IDScan.net
- Date:
- License: Demo
ID Flow Photo ID Badge Maker Software provides everything you need to design and print ID cards. Whether you are using paper badges, PVC cards with magnetic stripes, printing single sided badges or double sided ID cards, using a laser or plastic card (PVC) printer, ID Flow Photo ID Badge Maker Software will do it all!By including a standalone networkable database feature as well as one-click connectivity to a vast range of other databases such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, MySQL, FoxPro, and Dbase, ID Flow Photo ID Badge Maker Software makes managing membership information, photographs, and other security data an easy task. Counter strike xtreme ultimate v2 free download.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Jolly Technologies
- Date: 21-05-2007
- Size: 33139 KB
- License: Shareware
Mobile phone management software sim card reader/writer utility restore deleted previously saved contact details with name and numbers. Information backup machine recover accidentally lost inbox, sent item, draft, outbox text messages with sender information. Cell phone protector tool is a GUI based easy recovery utility that undeletes deleted address book entries. Data processor tool contact readersoftware unerase erased identification number (ICCID) with service provider name and location of GSM supported any network connection mobile phone.
- Platform: Misc Scripts
- Publisher:File Recovery Utilities
- Date: 26-02-2011
- License: Shareware
Article Generator is easy to use article writing software. Article software helps you in writing high quality articles within no time. Article Generator is an inexpensive professional writer key for well written articles. Content Writing Software Features: * Write high quality articles on any topic without having any information about it. * Increase your income by mixing out huge numbers of articles in record time. * View related topics and extract keyword-rich articles. * It provides you the information loaded sentences from the best sites.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Quick Article Software
- Date: 18-02-2008
- Size: 6226 KB
- License: Demo
Adolix PDF Converter PRO is PDF writersoftware that will help you create PDF files from virtually any application. The idea is very simple: open the file you want to convert to PDF, click print and select the PDF Converter printer. This set of actions will open the main PDF Converter PRO windows and you will be able to manage you PDF file. This PDF writer utility offers you a wide set of options that make it perfect for both home users and companies. You can protect your PDF files with Adolix PDF Converter PRO security options like 128 bit encryption and password.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Adolix Software
- Date: 08-02-2010
- Size: 6950 KB
- License: Shareware
CPS Plus Professional data acquisition software enables serial devices like gps receivers, digital scales, magneticstripe readers, digital sensors, laboratory instruments, microcontrolers, bar code scanners to communicate with any Windows application. + Multiple serial ports simultaneously - COM1, COM2, CO3 .. COM99x - unlimited! + Advanced data logging options:+ ActiveX interface+ file mode (generic file naming option).+ keystroke mode - allows data from serial device to be entered directly into any Windows application just as if it was being typed in using a keyboard.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:ProgramBL
- Date: 12-08-2012
- Size: 3651 KB
- License: Shareware
CPS Plus serial data acquisition software enables serial devices like gps receivers, digital scales, magneticstripe readers, sensors, laboratory instruments, microcontrolers, barcode scanners to communicate with any Windows application.
+ Operates with multiple serial ports simultaneously: COM1, COM2, COM3 .. COM99 - unlimited!
+ Fully configurable data filters, to get data you want from the input strings.
+ Log options: dynamic file mode, keystroke mode, DDE mode (Excel, Access .
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:ProgramBL
- Date:
- Size: 2539 KB
- License: Freeware
- Complete PCI compliant Mobile POS solution; encrypted transactions from the card reader to m-POS app, to,
Estel PASS, to Bank switch
- Card readers supported: magneticstripe only (MSR), MSR + PIN
- Simple & secure web based merchant registration & activation process
- Electronic signature capture
- Customized receipts on: email, SMS & print (via optional Bluetooth Printer)
- Real-time management of transactions, refunds and reports, via Merchant m-App software & Merchant Web &
Mobile Portal

- Support all card types: credit, debit, gift & prepaid; Master Card and Visa
- Card processor independent, mobile network independent, device independent
For more details visit this URL : http://www.
- Platform: Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.4, Android 4.x
- Publisher:Estel Technology
- Date: 14-04-2014
- Size: 1228 KB
- License: Shareware
Free windows 9.0 download. WebQuiz Writersoftware is an industry standard software package that allows the administration of exams via the Internet (online testing). WebQuiz Writer is currently being used for Sales & Product Training, Product Certifications, Technology Training, Higher Ed & Continuing Ed, and Pre-Employee web-based tests. The WebQuiz Writer 2003 Product Overview demo provides detailed information on the software and a walk-through from the student's perspective.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:eInternet Studios
- Date: 26-02-2011
- Size: 13314 KB
- License: Shareware
Flash Catalog Writersoftware is a quick solution for creating real page-flipping catalog from any Windows format files. Compare the similar software in the market, Flash catalog Writer are more powerful, more affordable and more reliable.All kinds of format documents import support. Image file, video file, sound file, PDF file, etc;Spell Check function help you find you spell mistake, avoid unnecessary loss;Can save as PRF, Export to PDF, and Publish to FlippingBook;Use mobile device read online or burn to CD/DVD for offline use;Share Flash Catalog with more people via email and social website;.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:flashcatalogmaker Ltd.
- Date: 25-09-2012
- Size: 10975 KB
- License: Freeware
Windows disk image reading and writing software. This application is intended for use as a reader/writer for small flash drives. It is compatible with raw and gzipped disk images, including those used by m0n0wall.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:flashimager.sourceforge.net
- Date: 25-11-2012
- Size: 22 KB
- License: Shareware
Easily view, print, and collaborate on PDF files with free Adobe Reader 9 software
Adobe+eT* Reader+eT* is the tool for opening and using Adobe PDFs that are created in Adobe Acrobat+eT*. Although you can't create PDFs in Reader, you can use Reader to view, print, and manage PDFs. After opening a PDF in Reader, you have a variety of tools to help you find information quickly. If you receive a PDF form, you can complete it online and submit it electronically. If you receive an invitation to review a PDF, use the commenting and markup tools to annotate it.
- Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
- Publisher:Adobe Systems
- Date:
- Size: 39444 KB
- License: Freeware
The ACR31 EasySwipe is an application provided by Advanced Card Systems Ltd. (ACS) to show the various functionalities of the ACR31 Swipe Card Reader.
The ACR31 Swipe combines magneticstripe card reader functionality with mobility, which allows you to access various applications anytime, anywhere. With its encryption feature, ACR31 Swipe has the capability to transfer data securely from the card to the phone in order to support applications using magneticstripe cards.
.- Platform: Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.4, Android 4.x
- Publisher:Advanced Card Systems Ltd.
- Date: 02-02-2014
- Size: 1843 KB
- License: Freeware
decoded data dumped from a magneticstripe on the back of a credit card may be a little confusing to the average user. To make more sense of the data being displayed this simple parser can make any USB credit card reader user friendly.
Parse credit card data string
CommonThief MSR License - GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3).
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Commonthiefmsr
- Date:
- Size: 25 KB
- License: Freeware
The LLRP Toolkit is an Open Source project that houses the development libraries in various languages to help reader and software vendors build and parse LLRP messages.
This is software toolkit for using the EPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) to communicate with conforming RFID readers.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:John R. Hogerhuis
- Date: